Volunteer Application Form

We are very excited that you are applying to be a Planetary Service participant! Here you have the application that we ask everybody to fill up. We first want to make sure that you have read the Vision Document and the Volunteers Criteria Document. It is very important that everyone who wants to apply to be a Planetary Service participant have first read throughly to this two documents so that they are full aware of what they are about to apply.

You will see an asterisk to some questions, it means that they are mandatory to answer to be able to send the application.

We will be honored to consider your participation at Planetary Service, we will get in contact with you once you have applied.

Thank you very much for your time and willingness to be part of a volunteering movement for a sustainable future.

Next group of participants: 2024-2025

In order to bring this initiative into the world, the organisers plan to first run a one-time pilot version, to prototype the idea with 10-30 young people for a period of 10 monthsFor this tryout, we are looking for collaborations that directly support the pioneer group and the prototype year and guarantee a smooth and great experience for all involved, allowing the project to learn and adapt agilely.

The prototype participants will consist of the pioneers of the project: Young adults who are engaged and willing to contribute to a rich documentation of their experiences in diverse forms (video, writing, art, etc), as well as open to developing the idea together with the Planetary Service team throughout the year and after their Planetary Service experience by giving feedback, input and being part of an evaluation process.

    General details

    About you

    Education and work experience


    Mentoring framework

    – Planetary Service acts as a support system throughout the volunteer’s experience.
    – There is individual support and you can always individually contact our team for specific needs/questions/doubts/etc.
    – There is the Mentoring Framework, where we will meet online every week with a group of other volunteers from Planetary Service in other projects and we will create a community that supports each other. These group calls are called Community Dialogues.
    – Additionally, there will also be around 4 Learning Sessions spread over the 10 months where a professional contributor will come to talk about sustainability/regeneration within ourselves, with others and with the Earth. These sessions will enrich your volunteer experience and will provide you with inspiration and more knowledge.
    – Both parts of the Mentoring Framework will take part during your volunteering tasks, to be part of Planetary Service we ask all the volunteers to commit to be part of all the Mentoring Framework online meetings

    Financial obligations

    – Before choosing the projects, we always recommend having some clarity on what is your budget, and how much are you willing/capable of spending on this experience. This way, the process of choosing your project and going there to volunteer is much easier and faster. There are multiple options for projects, so whether you have a big budget or a smaller one, you can find projects closer or further to you which can vary very much in the amount of money, visa and other documents needed.

    Final questions

    – Do you have a driving license?


    – Planetary Service does not have any legal responsibility over the volunteers nor the hosting projects that are part of their network. Planetary Service acts as a platform and a support system for the volunteers and the hosting projects of their network.

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