Find your hosting projects:
Here you will find a short description of each one with: volunteering area they are working on, an idea of the tasks you can do there, some extra requisites the projects have, their website to get to know more about them, etc.
Here you can find the projects we are partnered with that are potential placements for Planetary Service participants. Participants can choose until three projects for a whole year, but we highly recommend to stay in one project for the whole year for the experience will be much more richer and fruitful.
- All
- Earth
- People care
Tao Valley, Portugal
Sustainable Living Center, New Zealand
Pachaland, Belgium
Agualinda, Colombia
Anjos do Sertão, Brazil
Khetee, India
Camphill Village Copake, USA
Community Homestead, USA
Mawanangu Development Tanzania, Tanzania
Newton Dee, Scotland
Embercombe, UK
People Organisation for Planning and Education, India
Upcoming projects…

We are right now adding all the partnered projects on our website, the following ones are some of the amazing projects that have joined the Planetary Service movement, but not all of them, we are working on creating a very clear and easy way to present to you all of them (right now we have around 60 projects that have joined Planetary Service). If you would like to know all of the placement we already have as an option to go volunteer to, consider applying or write us a mail with your specific questions. Keep in tune to get to know through our website and Instagram page all our Hosting Projects descriptions and volunteering tasks in this coming weeks!
We are looking forward to present to you all the amazing projects that are around the world serving and doing good to the planet and its people! It is really inspiring!